Just wanna say, love the update, even if it's very short. Adding to my bingo sheet, the nectar source reveal, I totally called it months ago (why would the gyms' nectar be in short supply now plus how/what did Tanya do to stabilize Susan, ding, lightbulb moment), love the vindication of being right. But in all seriousness, it was short which is a bummer, plus Gina's growth was far tamer than I would've expected or hoped for, but still good regardless. The courtroom scene was fun too, I can't imagine the effort it took to program that. Either way, looking forward to what comes next, and have a great day.
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Playing through this, I will say, my gut is telling me this has a ton of potential (Got the girls to level 8 and beat the secret boss). It’s only just starting but, I can see this going places. However, I will list out points to note for the future (some of which you’ve likely already heard).
One- Text and scenes could be faster, can feel slow and tedious at times.
Two- Maybe add an option to turn off battle animations and make them faster, at least as an option to help speed up grinding
Three- The combat is a bad start, but like any good game, there ought to be more than just special moves that attack with added bonuses (status effects move, stat buff/and rebuffs, etc). I figure you have other stuff planned for the future since this is just a start, since more complexity will make the actual gameplay more interesting.
Four- I noticed enemies would rarely ever attack Sena, kinda defeats the purpose of a brawny character with lots of defense and Hp if they are never targeted. Maybe I was just unlucky, but it was consistent (maybe she could get moves to focus attacks to her).
Five- There were lines of text than weren’t translated into English, even in the menus. It’s a bit jarring, but I figure you’ll iron those out
I don’t know what else you’ll do and how you’ll implement them (especially more FMG scenes, heck yeah), but I eagerly look forward to what comes next. (Also loved the nod to Gina’s Gym in the player’s room, plus the collecting the pics for the gallery and the secret post-game was fun).