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A member registered Nov 30, 2023 · View creator page →

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hey bro sorry for being off topic but can you help me with a baldi mod? the name is reddy's funhouse, i need a modeler-animator and a composer, sorry for annoying you, respond at any time you want.

(1 edit)

uhm so recently i've got something up my mind then i resisted the urge to ask you this but then i gave up, so.. i need help with a baldi fangame, its name is reddy's funhouse (yeah totally not stolen from foxos fun schoolhouse ooo ooo sidousaidyksjkhdjshuidas) so uhm nice if you wanna help me on whatever you want go ahead. and if someone besides nice reading this, read the title (i've already got some concept art, and i did this because i was bored and anim8or was hard soooo.. whatever) (also friendly reminder that you can also teach me how to use anim8or if you dont want to help me)