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A member registered Oct 08, 2023

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This game was so, so good; I wish I was a little more eloquent so I could better sing its praises! I loved the creativity in the UI--the computer/diary setup felt very clever and impressive! The setting was portrayed in such a deliciously ominous way throughout the game, with the looming black structure that takes up most of the screen in parts really adding to the sense of dread. The character design was sweet and charming, and everyone felt very fleshed out for something that is (relatively) pretty short! Pavel really is a cutie pie, and watching the events unfold definitely pulled at my heartstrings...  he deserved so much better ;-;

One thing stood out to me above all, and that was the color design. The artists did an excellent job with the palette. For the most part, the colors present as bright, clean, cool tones that really enhance the coldness and sterility of the setting. And then, the warm, fiery red and orange tones that color the darker scenes, leading into the climax as Deidre's plan comes to fruition... ugh, so good. Really well done overall, and I'm impressed at the quality for a month of work. Kudos to everyone!