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A member registered Dec 15, 2023

Recent community posts

Very good game, I still have to get four more endings. But I want to play it when it's complete

Very good, and terrorific game 

Nice game :D

Very creepy the last guy, great job with this game

very creepy game 

good job guys 

Molly's faces made me very uncomfortable. I liked the experience, it's a shame it's a demo. I hope they release the full game soon, great job

This game kept me glued to my chair, I am a fan of analog horror. I felt uncomfortable, disturbed, but a very good experience. Keep up the good work guys

I love Minecraft, and this horror game based on its universe, I loved the game. Keep up the good work

I love this game, it confused me, it made me dizzy. But I loved it, keep up the good work.

I was playing well, and in the final part where the screemer goes off, literally... I shit myself and throw my internet modem on the floor

Is the second game i play in the video

very good game. in the last  part I literal  shit myself

Very good atmosphere, it had me tense the entire time i was playing. I was alone at home, and even though it was daytime i became very tens

is the last game i play in the video 

Very good atmosphere, it had me tense the entire time i was playing. I was alone at home, and even though it was daytime i became very tense