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OddGoat Studios

A member registered Aug 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Its a very cool game!! I really enjoyed it!!! But I just couldnt find the second ending. But as a developer, im really surprised this game was made in 72 hours!!! This game really has the potential to be on steam!!! Great Job!!!

wait why is this paid i cant afford this lol could be better if this was free lol

(1 edit)

Nice game... 

Love it!! And the animations really bring the game to life!!

Keep it up!!!

Dani ur game has a bug uwu

dude it is just a spectacular game bruh

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Nice gameplay. Hope you make it downloadable. In browser, when you click right click, a dialogue box appears. It completely stops the game.

yes please

will it work on 

nvidia GeForce gtx 460 M???????

8gb ram??????

i7 Q 720 @ 1.60GHz?????????