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A member registered Sep 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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I wish I could help but I have never used anything to play on my phone/tested it. Hopefully someone in the community with more experience there can help.

Nope, dev just does huge updates so they're spread apart. They've been actively replying and all that. Just gotta be patient.

Not sure, things change. If everything goes as planned, it should be 0.10 and 0.11 respectively. I try to add in a new size every major update.

ten or eleven.

Should be six

If you accept a dance for a price less than what you set then your confidence will decay. Chat with other dances in the lounge to rebuild it.

Yeah, I have bodies made up to stage 11. They'd all be in the game now but I have to render them, so it takes time. I try to add in a stage with every major update.

lol I never even thought of setting the price that high and just hoping it goes through. I guess I really can't account for everything when testing! I'll think about setting a cap but I've found the people that want to skip the gameplay with stuff like that are just going to save edit or decompile the scripts anyway so it's not really worth the time. Definitely worth thinking over though, thanks for bringing it up!

That hasn't been reported but I caught that in some testing so I have a fix for that in the next build. Until then, we're using the honor system.

I just skimmed through the level 6 range for dance actions and couldn't find any missing letters. I'll keep an eye out in further testing, but if you come across it again can you let me know?

Oh that's odd. Oh well, I'll see if that's something I can fix in the future.

Eh, I asked around and there were no strong opinions and you're the only one that has brought it up so I'll just keep it as is for now. The option thing goes back to me having to make multiple renders for one scene, I just don't have the bandwidth for that so I'll stick to asking what I've been doing.

No worries,  I already fixed it.

haha yeah i had a few people recommend I swap to renpy. Unity kept giving me issues and deleting my progress so I just bit the bullet and swapped. As for saves, it won't port your save from unity, but it should carry over from each renpy version (I think. I'm still learning renpy).

I asked about the npc thing a while back in my discord. This game takes place in the same setting as the rest of my art and there are no males there, just women and futas. I asked if people would prefer seeing a placeholder character like what we have now, or a fully rendered futa character. The responses were pretty even so I went with the greyed character to appeal to more people while still keeping it in my lore boundaries.

Oh thanks for bringing this up! I'll get it fixed in the next patch.

No, I took them out with the renpy rebuild.

thanks for bringing this to my attention! I'll get that fixed in the next patch.

At the moment you can get pregnant with up to 55. But the image sizes only go up to 26.

Yeah, Unity bit me too many times for me to stick with it.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention! I just uploaded a new build that fixes this.

The current build only works on windows.

It used to be capped but I received complaints about it. I may try to find a middle ground down the line, but for now it's a thing where if you have the money then go for it! 

They're essentially a package. You have to unpack them and the game is inside. You can use a free program like 7zip to unpack it.

Heya! Sadly I have a lot going on and the holidays are coming up so I don't have a lot of time to work on it at the moment. There's a lot I want to do before the next update so it'll be sometime next year. 

There should be a little next icon/button to the bottom right.

lol, yeah I was putting off fixing the save thing till I felt all the stats related stuff would be finalized so I wouldn't have to go back and tweak it some more. I'm doing a rework of stats and tracking mechanics so this is a good time to fix it. I didn't plan on dumping all the images but I suppose I can do that at some point. I was asked to put in an image viewer so you can view sizes you've reached in game and that is on the list of things to do as well.

It's made in Unity. I'm not sure what JoiPlay is.

lol that's even weirder. I'll try and keep an eye out in testing to see if I can make it happen.

That's a new one... Do you remember about what value you were at before it did that and what interactions you were doing?

Any extra info is helpful.

It sounds like you may not have a program to unzip it? 7zip and winzip are free to pick up and windows 10/11 should have one built in. You may have made IE the default application for zip files so that is why it is opening that way. You could try right clicking the zip and selecting "open with..." then pick your program, or "extract here" if that's an option.

There is no install, you just unzip it and run the exe.

Looks great so far, can't wait to see where this goes!

Glad to hear alt enter worked!

Yeah the save system needs reworking. I did a pretty messy initial implementation of it and the more I add in, the worse it gets. It's on my list of things to fix but I'm waiting to finalize all the core stuff before redoing it or I'll have to redo it again.

Out of curiosity, are you adjusting your dance prices in the lounge at all? I think milking will be the highest form of income since that's the only thing you can really buff, for now, so it's natural after putting in a lot of money it comes out on top.  I think I may make it so that you can only milk when at or near capacity then add a buff you can buy like perfume or something that'll make it so you make 2x from dances. I don't want to limit playstyles so it's tough deciding to scale something back like that.

I'm glad you like the icons, I was iffy on them but seems like I may keep them in after all.

For the energy drinks, I could limit them to like three a day (it would be realistic after all since your heart would explode after drinking 20... plus I don't think you're supposed to drink those while pregnant). You've definitely given me a lot to think about and your feedback has been greatly appreciated!

In game, you can talk to the other dancers in the lounge. In real life, I'll let you know as soon as I figure that one out.

haha nobody pointed it out but any time I'd do tests I would quickly default to just spamming milk mods so it was very obvious. 

I'm just looking to see if people think the new prices and rewards of things make things too fast or slow. I don't want the game to be a slog and I don't want people to be forced to do one thing over and over since it's "the best". Also if there are any pain points in playing so I can look at those systems. Thanks!

Heyo! I appreciate the feedback and will reply to each point below:

1) This is probably a scaling issue. If you alt + enter it should fit to your screen so you can see everything. I built the game around a 1280 x 720 resolution, so that aspect ratio is the best to play around. I need to fix the scaling for other resolutions but that's kinda low on the priority list. If you are full screen and still have an issue, please let me know with screenshots/examples so I can look further into it!

2) Yeah, I just dropped in a save system and didn't really expand upon it. I'm going to rework it before 1.0

3) Stats will be coming in the next build.

4) I've been thinking about doing some sort of gallery, I'll add it to the list for sure.

5, 7, & 8) There won't really be a "narrative" aside from you work at a strip club for pregnant women. Adding side interactions with the other girls is on my list so they'll have little story lines with a capstone event but nothing too in depth. I'm not planning on this being some big RPG or anything like that, just an arcadey game where big number gets big belly art lol.

6) I'm not swapping engines, that'd require me to rebuild everything and learn a new language. While more platforms would be neat, I don't want to learn a new engine/language. Renpy is great for VNs and at the moment The Matriarch would fit that category but using Unity allows me to make more interactive systems and minigames in the future. Yeah, that whole financing fiasco was annoying, I toyed with other engines, but I like the way Unity is set up. The controversy was based around monetization though which is something the players will never have to deal with, and we are nowhere near the limit for when I'll have to start paying for licenses so no harm there.

9) Character customization has been brought up a few times and it's just not feasible. The amount of renders I have to do for one size is already like 70 or something, adding customization would make that number skyrocket. This was really due to a lack of planning on my part and I'll 100% take it into account on my next project.

10) The player isn't really referred to yet in any text, but I'll probably add player names in when I get to the interactions part.

Like I mentioned above, Ren'Py is a GREAT engine, just not for me or this project. At the end of the day this is a passion project I'm doing by myself in my free time for free (although I REALLY appreciate all the people who have bought it, your support means the world). I can't really justify the amount of work an entire engine swap or major system reworks would bring.

1) should be fixed with alt + enter maybe? I've tried setting up scaling but it's finicky, so I just went with a flat 1280*720 resolution.

2) I probably need to update the load items. I wanted to rework saving and loading so I haven't been looking too much into load as it is now. I'll see if I can get that knocked out. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

3) If you go into the lounge there's a menu that'll show your stats.

No plans for that. Just PC, sorry.

are you running it in windowed mode or did you make it full screen? The game is built around 1920x1080 so if you change it to anything else things may get weird (trying to fix this).

no problem. Enjoy!