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A member registered Sep 23, 2018 · View creator page →

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This game was awesome! I can not wait for the full release! 

(1 edit)

This game was super tricky but it was also a LOT of fun! By tricky I mean I can't see the keys because my eyes suck lol.

This game was actually funny and creepy at the same time xD 

For sure! Hopefully you enjoyed my jumps if you watched xD

This game was really creative and super cool. Despite the description I did not expect this game to be so dark lol. Although it did scare the ever loving hell out of me too!

Okay so i went back and got the good ending. Hats off to the devs for reaching out to explain how to do it. I felt silly for not figuring it out lol. 

This game was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed it. Coupdnt find the secret ending. Not sure what i did wrong.

Have you ever wanted to take part in a food eating challenge? Well here we go in the burger eating challenge of a life time here at Jollibaes burger restaurant! It's to die for!!!

This game was creepy but good lol.

This game was a lot of fun! I had an absolute blast lol

Despite my tremendous amount of luck, I'm no gambling man. However, this game peeked my interest! It was a blast. Get it?

This game genuinely scared the everloving s*** out of me! I loved it!

Completely disregarding the fact that this is a short horror game with multiple endings and I did not realize that lol, this was super fun and I had an absolute blast!!! 

this game is super cool however mildly disturbing but I love games of this style!!! 

This game was so bizarre but i definitely see the potential and it did get me once or twice!!!

This game was an excellent game to play! It was really creepy, and made me jump plenty of times!
(1 edit)

This game is super creepy!!! Really good, but super creepy lol. I LOVE IT!!! 

I think the warm and clean art was absolutely on point and helped bring out the atmosphere

This isn't my normal go to art style, however it is one that I have always thoroughly enjoyed. Sadly, not many people go with this style any more. So, well done on this game! It was a blast! 

thank you so much! I did definitely enjoy the game!

What's up guys!? So I played Tender, got the poop scared out of me, but I had a lot of fun! 

lol this was definitely a fun short horror game 


This game was incredible! I do apologize in advanced for not finishing it, but I ran out of time and MY camera kept goofing on me. 

This is by far the best siren head I have tried! Well done, I absolutely enjoyed it! 

This game was super fun! I love Japanese horror!

this game was uber fun and the atmosphere kept me going!

I absolutely would love to play the full version. Let me know when it is up and I will give it a go!

I finally beat this game!!! It took forever to find the necessary strategy to beat it! SWEET DREAMS... or I mean, SWEET GAME

Right on!

This game was super cool! Mildly disturbing, and I will need to do another playthrough because this game is so tedious! lol 

This game was super fun! I genuinely enjoyed it! It was mildly creepy. Forewarning!


very possible

does this game have multiple endings?

This game was really fun! the controls were a little weird but that is A-OKAY. 

Sure thing!

This game was pretty incredible despite the length!

Sure thing!

This game was super cool! I literally screamed! I NEVER SCREAM! EVER But this game did it! 

I'm sure I will! It is a really fun game!