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A member registered Aug 07, 2016 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Wasn't able to really nail down what appears to be causing this one, but when carring the blue cube towards the portal in world 11 the world seems to unload around me. I was able to repoduce this a couple times with this same method of:

  • Grabbing the cube from the tree
  • Entering the door with the cube
  • Immediately leaving the door and giving myself some distance
  • Return to the door and I would be sent to oblivion

Here's a recording of one of my attempts (start at 1:00):

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Was able to ride the walls in hallway W15 - W41. Only experienced this on the right wall however. Footage here:

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I'm not sure if this happens for everyone, but during my first encounter with the door to World 111 I was able to clip through the door.  Footage here:

Alright found another, this one was even trickier to repro. Basically walked back an forth through the portals and eventually I got a wall that would prevent my progress. I captured a recording here:

(3 edits)

Was messing around with the first portal and found some pretty gnarly bugs.

1. Standing on the invisible barrier on portals can allow you to clip through walls.
Repro steps:
- Stand on the front walls of the portal
- Walk onto the invisible barrier
- Shift to any wall in the hallway
- You should then be partially submerged in the barrier and experience visual clipping.

2. Entering a portal via shifting can allow you to clip out of bounds, trapping you in the hallway scene. Its a bit tricky to repro reliably, but I did so by:
- Look into the portal and follow the wall with your cursor until you get to the edge of the selectable area
- Shift in and move, you should clip through the walls and enter limbo

I managed to record both of these in one recording. Its a bit easier to demonstrate the repro in video anyway:

Specs: Windows 10, i7 CPU, GTX 1080