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A member registered Jul 25, 2017

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Is Feyada based in Russia?

wow, new car, new house, no new update. keep up good work ! u deserve as much as doge coin investor !

v.1.1 -> v1.2 = 4 month
v.1.2 -> v1.3 = over 3 year
game dead?

The game wasn't abandoned on purpose, no one in the discord has heard from the only dev since Russia mobilization. It appears he has been drafted and likely in combat or worse :(

When I first played the current version of the game 2-3 years ago, I was halfway through college, never held a job, and vacuuming my floor with a lint roller before dates. Now, I've graduated, those hot dates led to my wife, we both have excellent jobs as young professionals, and we have a baby on the way. TIme is always moving forward, and life goes on, but not everything is. This game has remained as it once was, a rock, my castle. This game is never changing, and it has helped me through tough times and provided stability in my life where nothing else could. 

Please don't update the game, we don't need the next chapter and if this game changes, I don't believe my heart could take it. Komisari has my respect, as the tortoise like game developer he is. I hope he is okay, and has not been involved in being drafted by the russian army and forced to fight in ukraine. Even so, do not update this game. It is great in it's unfinished state, and has become a relic that cannot be improved upon. Time changes all, and the rust that has covered Heroes Haram Guild is now one with it. Cleaning it off and "improving it" would only bring despair to myself and all the other fans. Thank you Komisari.

Development paused due to major eye and health problem please get better !

No update for 2 whole year .. is dead game??