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A member registered Sep 28, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for playing! :D <3

OMG thank you so much!!! I really enjoyed your playthrough, it was a lot of fun to watch you comment and react to everything! Appreciate all the kind words. A couple of the fake YouTubers in the game were my friends and they all really enjoyed your commentary on them too. :) Thanks for showing love to our lil FMV, you rock!!!!

Hehe thank you! And yes, it definitely a big question to ask yourself- is this project still worth something to me if it doesn't have worth to anyone else? Thanks for playing! :)

Thank you alicia!!! <3

Thanks, and haha that's fair! I was trying to think of what the most nothing conversation would look like, and that seemed particularly mundane and lacking substance to talk about. No Joff Bozos sponsorship here.

tysm!!!! <33

surely it was all worth for it so that one random guy would say "it's nice to get out of the house" and then never think about the painting again

thank you for playing! <3

I am so sorry to have misled you, bnanna man </3

I know the feeling :'(

Your games are like beautiful koans! I'm always amazed at the nuanced emotions you capture. Stellar job.

SO GOOD!!!!!! i have always wondered what it's like to be a low res knight experiencing ego death in first and third person simultaneously. you outdid yourself with this one, wowowow.

My favorite "Hollaback Girl" by Gwen Stefani tribute game