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A member registered Mar 13, 2019 · View creator page →

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Wow, simply astounding. Definitely the most innovative and fun to play game I've seen so far out of these submissions. The movement feels great and the game mechanics are very well balanced. Every bit of damage I took was justified and the enemies didn't seem too difficult. Great job!

Thank you for the review! Yes, the game is incredibly difficult, don't worry it's not you. I simply didn't have time to balance the difficulty unfortunately.

(1 edit)

I'm loving the style and premise of the game, but I couldn't figure out what I'm supposed to do for a good while and resetting is a bit frustrating. The dialogue is funny, especially the game over event. The 4th day seemed kind of impossible with all of the squares you have to uncover. It would have been nice to have a simple algorithm that uncovers all the neighbouring green squares, but I'm guessing there wasn't enough time for that. Or maybe I'm just bad at not moving my mouse much xd.

Anyways, great game, it's just kind of difficult to figure out what to do with the given hints.

Edit: Now after browsing my files for a bit, I realized I was conserving mouse movements unconsciously, thanks  lol

Awesome game, I really like the goofy sound effects! Would love to see this game get expanded on.

DISCLAIMER: The game is far from finished, because of the time limit, so expect more than a few bugs

IN CASE YOU ARE STUCK, simply press 'ESCAPE' to go to the pause menu and click on 'New Game'

DISCLAIMER: The game is far from finished, because of the time limit, so expect more than a few bugs

IN CASE YOU ARE STUCK, simply press 'ESCAPE' to go to the pause menu and click on 'New Game'