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No Name

A member registered Aug 17, 2018

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FAQ says they are working on getting it cross-platform. The source code uses C# with Microsoft libraries so I'm not sure it's compilable for other software without a rewrite.

I attempted to get it to run on Proton but it requires the MS .Net Runtime environment version 8 which is not currently a default install option, so you have to download and install it manually via explorer in protontricks. Once you do that, it runs fine.

(1 edit)

I just gave this a quick test run on linux mint 21.3, and it runs great. I installed the game via Lutris so all the more technical stuff didn't even need to be touched.

As for gameplay, the maps can be a bit bizarre for sure, but there's alot of variation with the weapons,mech bodies, and special equipment you can equip. I would say it's well worth the $5 price tag in the US and Canada.

After a few hours of gameplay, I can say for sure the gameplay loop is fun, if a bit wonky from the low gravity. One minor disappointing is that there currently is no friend or partying-up system for co-op, which I think would definitely rocket this up in rating. As it currently stands, I still stand by the $5 price tag being reasonable.