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A member registered Nov 05, 2016 · View creator page →

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It is nice, the game that is. Dealing with people, sometimes less so.
Thank you a lot for sharing your experience!

Thanks a lot, I think overall that was some really great feedback!

Interestingly, I paused the video to think about low-effort landmarks and different coloured lamps came to mind. Then in the next sentence you suggested just that. So I'll definitely try to add them with the next update.

Due to the game's nature as a small university project, I likely won't ever polish it enough to get rid of the deeper flaws or add a ton of lore. But with a few tweaks, I hope it might become more enjoyable for the player in the future.

Thank you!

After thinking about it for a bit, I've added the option to sprint. Should be somewhat easier now to escape the monster once spotted.

Yeah, the final game was a lot harder than expected during development. Though I like hard, that's why I kept it. 

Switching the perspective starts being more useful to determine the monsters position after getting used to the layout.

Thanks a lot for the comment and for playing!

Since I first watched FIP play chapter 1, I really liked the series. 

Congrats on giving it this finale and I'm looking forward to other games you might develop. 
