Thanks for your comment!
Nth brnd
Creator of
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Hi! Thanks for playing my game!
I can understand that the font is difficult to read, I didn't think about it when I created the game.
I'm not sure I understand your second problem, the hero strikes towards the cursor and normally, the turn (around the player) should rotate towards the cursor as well.
If your game looks like the gifs I posted on the itchio page, then it's not a bug.
I hope I've answered your question correctly.
Hey ! Merci d'avoir testé mon jeu !
J'ai utilisé Unreal Engine car c'est le seul moteur de jeu que je connais et, bien qu'il y est quelques outils pour les jeux 2D, c'est un peu une galère pour avoir un rendu correct en pixel art (et encore, c'est loin d'être parfait).
La pièce où il faut taper le mur pour révéler la porte est bel et bien une inspiration des souls.
La salle de la chauve-souris n'est pas évidente et le dialogue de Desmond devrait pouvoir être passer, moi même ça m'ennuie lorsque j'y rejoue !
Je corrigerais tout ça plus d'autres bugs une fois que les votes de la jam s'arrêteront.
En tout cas merci pour ton feedback et d'avoir testé mon jeu, ça fait vraiment plaisir !
Hi! Thanks for taking the time to play my game.
I agree with you about the behavior of the enemies. For me, it is not an annoying thing to fight against them, but it's definitely not fun either.
I don't know if you managed to fight the final boss because his behavior is a bit more fun to play.
Anyway, thank you for your feedback!
This is a really good game !
-Art, camera movements and SFX feels very smooth.
-When i look at the pixel art of your game, it's like there are 2 differents style :
-A one with different shade of colors for textures and backgrounds and a simplier one with almost solid colors for the players, ennemies or even the fountain.
-From my standpoint, these two styles are not normally suited together, but the fact that you managed to put a smooth animation for almost every element, makes the whole graphics coherent from start to finish, and final result looks really great.
-The music and the SFX are really good. Modification of sounds like when you get hit really add to the action of the game.
-The gameplay is enjoyable, each area looks different which is nice (the 3rd one is really good), the lighting is well done, bosses are fun and details like the snowmen melting after being hit by fire is apreciable.
-I would say that the enemy projectiles can sometimes be difficult to see due to the large number of particles, particularly during the first boss encounter, but the overall is very good, for a month only it is really well done !
Très bon jeu.
La qualité des graphismes, des menus et du rendu en générale est vraiment impressionnante.
Les musiques sont de bonne qualité, simple mais cohérente avec le jeu et son ambiance.
Le gameplay du jeu est simple mais efficace et mis à part un petit bug d'affichage de texte dans l'History, j'ai franchement rien à redire !
On est clairement sur de la qualité pro.
Bravo à toi !
Hi ! Thank you for your comment, i'm glad that you liked my game !
-I think the bat room is really problematic, i should make things more obvious.
-The idea of an exclamation point with a delay is very good, I hadn't thought of that, it will make things clearer that the player should not get too close to the bat.
I will try to bring this in the next update.
Thank you for your sugestion and for taking the time to play my game !
Hi ! I really have appreciated your comments !
-Firstly, I agree with you for the first dialogue in the hall, I will find a way to skip it in the next update.
-For the resolution, i have a 1920x1080px monitor and i have not thought about higher ones. I understand that it could be annoying. I will try to fix that too.
-I've made Desmond's Castle with UE5 but to be honest, it is a mess working with this engine for a game like this, especially with blueprint only. I should have used Godot or Gamemaker studio, but i don't know how to use them as well than Unreal Engine.
-For the bat room, (this one room can be tricky) you will have to not get close to the bat. You will need to get around it until you will reach the next door. Normally, you will never get stuck in room. Each room will lead you to the next one untill the boss, and you don't need to go back or to restart your game. I think i should have to mention it in the begining of the game or something like that to make things clearer to the new players.
-I hadn't thought about randomizing the SFX, it is a good idea and i could definitely do that in the next update !
-Thank you for your detailed feedback and taking the time to play my game.
My english is not perfect but i hope you will understand anyway !
I'm glad that you liked it !
I like spending time working on small graphical details like animating backgrounds or HUD elements. The fact that the game is low resolution (character is only 15px wide / 18px tall) and has only 4 colors makes things faster to draw and animate, saving time to work on other stuff.
Anyway, thank you for your feedback and for taking the time to play my game !