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A member registered Mar 06, 2014 · View creator page →

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This is the best bitsy game I ever played! It blew my mind not lying. 


Casi lloro <3

thanks, hope you liked it. <3

I love it. Had fun with it. <3

All good games! Pizza and Mechs

great game, very funny

Thanks, I could solve it, and just finished the game. I loved it. If you are thinking of adding more levels it would be awesome, I really enjoyed it.

I love it, it is very creative and polished. I'm really stuck at level 5 xd.

Nice work, I liked the aesthetic and the cards mechanic.

Thank you, I am glad you like them. I'm going to check yours.

I loved it <3

Loved it. It's very nice.

dale, no habia entendido eso, perdon, gracias.

It was just a short game idea xd. Now I wanted to add a couple of levels more, with a new setting, but the plan never was going very far. Thanks u. I'm glad you like it.

Thanks, great ideas

I can play it with keyboard, you move with arrows and shoot with space. I don't know what could happen. What browser are you using?

Sorry, is the game in another language?

Thank you so much. I'm going to upload a new improved version of the game with new adittions to gameplay, music and also a better desing to explain the game.


Happy you liked it. And thank you, that's a very interesting idea, I take it for future adittions to the game. 

Your games look so cute, I'm gonna test them =)

It looks interesting. I dind't know that it is a coop game.

Awesome game, very fresh ideas and well used game mechanics. Sometimes its confused if a platform is solid or if i can reach it or not.