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A member registered Oct 02, 2022

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hiii i'm loving this game so far may i ask how much more do we have to wait untill chapter 2 is out??

(1 edit)

hiii i really loved this game like every other game you made, but i enjoyed this one more because of the relatable mc, i loved how she had to install an app to get out of the house, but i also had some problems, well actually one problem, i play on android and it seems that when i try to play the text goes in front of the characters name, which made a bit difficult to follow wade's story since his name is purple like the text, but nothing that really made me back away from the game, this problem also happened with another one of your games (subject: LOVE) and i don't know if the problem is my phone, but i really didn't encounter this problem with other games. Also i wanted to ask if you have an estimated date of the full release since all the characters i love are not fully available (Ulysses and Stephan) and also my favourite doesn't even have a partial route (i'm in love with Izaiah yes) so like is it coming out by the end of the year? or do i have to wait for the new version of subject: LOVE to come out? if so when is it gonna be available? (i know i'm asking so many questions i'm sorry but i really love this game like every other game you made 馃槶)

also Ollie DOES NOT look 15 like blud is taller than the mc i thought he was a love interest at first