cannot wait for the next installment. You clearly have a good grasp on storytelling in general, with the cliffhangers, callbacks, and dialogue here all being several steps above many of the VNs I’ve played. Kudos!
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okay, so I know we only have the prologue and chapter 1, but here are my guesses at the story so far:
George said Mallory has some kind of connection to the family, right? And Alex said he feels like he knows her, but can’t figure out why. AND in Mallory’s backstory, we know her mom left her dad. Guess #1 is that Mallory is either another step-sibling or cousin or something like that.
Okay, so the parents were like, stupid rich. We know they kept in touch with Alex on his travels at least a little bit. We also know they have crazy connections, bc George had to get the US state dept to get Alex back in time for the funeral. Now, when we first find Alex abroad in Spain, he meets David when David saves him from getting scammed into some kind of shady situation. Pretty nice coincidence, eh? Guess #2 is that David was hired by the parents to make sure he didn’t get himself killed.
The writing on this is really well done, and the story really got me invested. I still had a few questions though, like if Jaye was pleading with Alex to come back, why didn’t he? Minor thing, I know, and it’s a game not Pride & Prejudice.
Anyway, these guesses are just fun. I think the dev is doing something right if they’ve got me writing fan theories on just 1 and a half episodes lol