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A member registered Mar 02, 2023 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Also I think you could add a challenge mode where you can't shoot and can only use the turret to survive

Great game! I  don't want to be annoying but there's a small typo on the shield description where you typed reachrage instead of recharge.

there is a secret somewhere too

btw you can check the box "use physical keys" in the unity project settings "Input" so that no matter what keyboard its always the same place

I did it and it's very nice, it just gave me a bit of a headache because of the sand dots moving so fast but that's probably just me

alright i'll try

I can't play it so I sadly can't rate it but it sounds like a good idea

It was very hard to playtest

Maybe I should've done like a menu where you could choose between easy mode and hard mode

Yeah, I made it a little too hard 

I tried to make the thing if he holds the mouse the launch force is greater, but I couldn't figure it out

btw did you make it to the end ?

when i download it and try to un zip it, it says i can't because the folder is empty

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It's polished and the idea is very good, but it didn't have that many levels overall very good

Its good but why is the left and right set to X and Z ? On my keyboard its very far apart and X is on the left of my keyboard but goes to the right and vice versa. Otherwise its good though