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A member registered Jun 17, 2021

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(1 edit)

I took the screenshots beforehand, but nothing changed when I went through and got it.

Edit: I just tried again and it's working fine now. I haven't changed anything, so I have no idea what it was.

There's everything that showed up in the window. The instance of "xr-spatial-tracking" that appears at the bottom of the first picture and the top of the second is the same instance. And there weren't any actual errors, just those warnings.

So, something broke the browser version with the last update. I've cleared my history, cookies, cache, and restarted my browser, but when I hit menu, I still get a "save corrupted" error for all three files, even though I only ever used one.

There's also no way for me to start a new game. I can still access the import menu where I could paste the information in if I had it, so while it would be inconvenient, I could live with having to copy that information into a text file for later.