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A member registered Oct 16, 2020

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It's sad to hear that.I wish our government wasn't so homophobic.Even as hetero, it pains me to see how they negative relate to everything related to LGBT.

(1 edit)

I'm sorry that I lost my temper without understanding. I don 't dont mean to  be rude .This is very strange, considering how many LGBT games are available in Russia (I can freely buy any of them and have more than 20 on the acc), but for some reason they banned yours.I wonder if Valve trying be safe,since  LGBT laws get more stricted evey year here.But the same Dear Monster came a bit earlier  in january and they did nothing against it.So i really dont understand,why Valve did this with your game.And i sorry that you have to deal  with all these restrictions and problems.

Are Russian cards still accepted  if I decide to buy the game here?

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Why did you block access to the game in steam?Is there a special reason for this?A month ago it was available, and now access for my region is closed.Which is very sad.Since I wanted to buy it in the near future.

Upd. Nevermind

Just seen last tweet about ban .Our government is really dumb.

Thank you very much.And I apologize in advance that I forgot to mention that this is the steam version.

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Hello.I have some problems with Gilles' route.I followed all  days when i visited  with him on the morning  and had lunch on March 12. However,  he didn't show up on March 15th and I can't either visit him  on Monday/Wednesday/Friday because there is no options and every time i getting  "I spend the morning paiting " .I played his route untill march 29 and game still won't let me visit him.Your guide says that these days I can catch up, but seems they doesn't work for me.Everything works fine with others routes.

Are you planning to add the game pre-order feature to steam? Or will it only be available here?