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A member registered Sep 06, 2017 · View creator page →

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Amazing game


perfect game!!

The screen is just solid black for me?

Nothing happened after cleaning up on the second level. Cute concept. It would've helped to have some audio or visual effect for feedback when picking up, when it's full or when emptying.

I like it, a simple and well-executed concept.

It was originally gonna be more ambitious but we cut quite a few parts of the ending to make it in time. 

Maybe some kind of minimap of sort? Something to orient the player a bit.

The idea is nice but the UI is pretty cluttered and there are no explanations.

Text doesn't render most of the time, it may have contained some explanations, I have no idea what's going on here. The keybinds are pretty awkward too. Camera movement should be on mouse or at the very least, on the arrow keys, and movement on wasd instead of the other way.

I have no idea what is happening, there's so much on screen without any explanation.

The map is a bit bland and confusing since there are barely any landmarks. I spent half the time not knowing what I was doing

I'm just getting a static image

There doesn't seem to be a binary here. Did you upload the raw source project files?

Placement is pretty limited and so is the tower selection. There's no tutorial and the graphics are pretty meh.

Interesting game mechanics. I like it

Didn't really like how hard it was to see anything

Switching dimensions is an interesting mechanic

quit to main menu restarts the level, too many astroids and they spawn to close to the player