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A member registered Sep 12, 2023 · View creator page →

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I did tho

You grow up, dumbass. Making fun of peoples style ain’t funny. If you were over 6 years old you would know that.

What device do you have? It came out on 32 bit and computer :0 You sadly can’t really install mods on iphone (from what I know so just Google it since im really not the smartest)

Hey bud, its out now :3 (In case you didn’t know)

In a short sentence, this mod is amazing!

While it doesn’t really fit what im looking for (im picky with some things) Im most likely going to keep it! It has recognizable music and amazing new options — I haven’t even looked at them all yet (there’s not THAT many but still quite a few)

With cute music, a new SFX and tons of new options, it makes me really happy.

Its also been built w/ the base of another mod (?) And that mod I really enjoy and I love how they added to it!

Its pretty easy to use, and its definitely one of the better mods on here. And doesn’t lie abt the things it has! It also (might just be me / my device, but) doesn’t lag as much as the mods I’ve tried out tonight have.

While it doesn’t fit the list of what im lf, it really is amazing, and again, Im keeping it!

This mod isn’t for everybody, or every device, so keep in mind that things could work differently for yours. But so far, on my kindle fire tablet, its amazing!

While there are slight texture problems, I’d ignore those / don’t use those items!

Anyways, the date and time of finishing writing is: 2023, September 11 (RIP to the lives lost on 9/11/2001, Never forget) at 10:55 PM