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No Face

A member registered Dec 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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Love you added a skip level option! It was cool!

Thanks, I’m not planning to continue on this specific iteration of this idea(this’ an old jame game remake) but the future of this concept is still not set in stone

Thanks, it’s really just a remake. As I’ve said in earlier comments, it’s not my best work but it’s decent imo

I don’t really think I’ve got talent, I probably have experience and maybe some creative thinking but talent for this? nah

Oh, the oracle games, I remember those puzzles now(only reached that part in ages tho, didn’t play seasons that much)

Which one? There’s like 5 game boy zelda games(3 if you’re not counting GBA)

Simple yet elegant, my brain’s going bonkers after that Day 5

I’m really sorry you got stuck, this was a remake of an old jam game so I wanted this one to be a bit different in presentation. There was supposed to be other indicators but I ran out of time

Ah, ok

Firstly, thanks for playing. Secondly, this is a remake of an old jam game. Thirdly, what is a trapdoor puzzle? I get witness-like but not the other term

The entire game is great!

I think the idea you had was good but the execution barely hit the mark, I wasn’t even able to select the other kapatid’s bowl(yung lalake). Also, as our fellow countrymen and women would say, “UY PHILIPPINES”

Nice game, ’twas truly a brain boggler

Nice vibe and cool idea, good execution and puzzle design

Thanks! I’m sadly not gonna continue working on this post jam as this is a remake of an old jam game. I had plans for the original jam game but I’ve decided not to pursue it since I have not that much skill nor expertise to do it justice yet.

Simple yet awesome, nice intro

Good game, Good idea, Good Vibe, Okay Execution, Found a few bugs

That got spoopy real qwik

AWESOME GAME, the concept and execution killed it! It’s such a fun and exhilerating game to play. Reminds me of making plans for minecraft builds, love the whole instructions and stuff. The movement could be janky at times but for a 48 hour game it was awesome, I really wanna see an expanded version with more builds and materials!

I thought I was a dog, but I was dragon, roar

Fun game, loved the concept. The execution could do some work(found out there is such a thing as too fast)

I know what you mean, that was actually the plan but Audacity wasn’t cooperating and I wasn’t able to get the sfx I wanted. Thanks for playing tho!

Thanks, I wanted it to look more fleshy and scary tho. Also you can’t get softlocked, the last level is impossible on purpose

Thanks, there’s a bug or two and they game itself has a lot of things missing but thanks for playing anyways

Nice game, short but with a nice atmosphere and ok story!


Bonkers! Love the vibe, mechanic implementation and level design!

well yeah, but this is actually just a remake of an older jam game. I would’ve wanted this one to have more story since it would’ve been bonus theme implementation points in my book

Thanks, not that polished tho, could’ve added some story bits but got bad time management

Agreed. Thanks, that’s the atmosphere I was going for. It’s a remake of an old jam game, it’s called Slitherthink on my profile

The ending was spoopy

Thanks, It’s actually not too polished since I didn’t manage my time well. It’s just a remake of an old jam game from yesteryear so it’s difficulty is kind not in the ball park of proper design

Gave up on 2-3 but the idea is cool, I’m just too lazy to think

Loved the game, moderately difficult and beautiful design!

Funky, got stuck on level 5 but love the idea

10/10 Amazing game with amazing level design

Nice game(didn’t finish and got stuck at the puzzle the Cheruboom said)

Nice puzzles

While the open world level design is cool and the mechanic of changing sizes by touching the gears is also neat, the game is too hard even for a jam game. It is still a cool idea and could be better if given more time to playtest and design(also I found a cool jump bug where you just float in the air)