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A member registered Jun 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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a very interesting idea for a game, and a cool execution! i actually kinda like how the enemies and hostages and points of interest all blend into the background, providing some serious challenge. i didn't quite notice to what extent things are randomised, but difficulty level never felt unfair to me. jumps were a bit fiddly to get used to but generally ok

furthermore, these are some of the poshest-sounding hostage takers i've ever heard in a game :D it's like they're saying "enemy spotted" while sipping tea from tiny lil porcelain cups

great art style, engaging gameplay loop, feels really well-polished, great job overall!

i hope the bóbrs are ok

i like the lil drawing of the player character in the corner - kinda reminiscent of the old 3d shooters, but cooler-looking lol

overall, a very compentent and well-made first-person platformer - i managed to get a hang of it despite being really bad at first-person platformers :D

i liked the get-robots-under-the-magnet gameplay loop once i got the hang of it. also, the graphics are really neat - i really like the robot design too, especially the lil bomb-throwing guys, it almost made me sad to destroy them with the magnet lol

got me a vacancy in hell, ez B)

i dig the aesthetics (the design of the main character is really neat, to point out one thing), and how it blends with the music to create a really interesting vibe

also, i like the implication that an AK is a suitable tool for securing job prospects in hell

very clever idea for a first-person puzzle game, and a good execution as well! some of the later levels do get quite challenging, but like in a good way

there is a lot of potential behind the overal idea imo - somehow it gave me Portal vibes (despite the aesthetics being quite different) (well at least in some ways)

this town seems to take its bread (and its gringleberries) very seriously

had to get a notebook to write down everyone's gift ideas, but in the end i managed to get a 6/2 innocent/guilty rating, which i will take as "good enough"

great idea, neat execution, tremendous achievement in writing and 10/10 voice acting - great entry overall!

i like how the game just shuts itself down on loss, feels quite uh radical lol

also i couldn't get into the room that says "authorised personnell only", sadge

but overall neat lil stealth game, and bonus points for using godot :3

very seasonal, it's great :D

i really like the visual style, even if it does feel a bit unfinished/rough around the edges, the nutcracker ppl look pretty spooky lol (also the sound they make when shot is pretty funny)

i also like how the darts from the first gun stick around (hehe)

overall, a refreshingly-chill (but definitely NOT easy lol) take on the genre

played a few rounds - very solid action/survival horror thing going on here! the monsters do creep up on you if you're not careful :D also, the music is neat! 

are the levels randomly-generated each time btw?

happy to report that i did manage to find the artefact, and that the universe was made safer by my honourable actions :3 

i couldnt figure out how to reload though D:

gorgeous-looking game, very atmospheric! alas, i'm VERY bad at first-person platforming so i didn't get far, but the game did feel and look great as i fumbled many jumbs :D

also, i like the seamless teleport/fall-back-to-where-you-started way of handling "death"

nice lil game, kinda reminds me of papers, please - it does get pretty hardcore as elements to look out for pile up and you come under increasingly more pressure

could not escape these rooms :( got stuck after unlocking the safe and finding 5 cogs and getting the circle key, no clue what to do after

the two strange objects in light and the apparently uninteractable chessboard in one of the rooms and the Perfectly Normal and Usual Armchair (The One With No Codes) leave me stumped, beaten

i did find the test note 1 :3

oh neat, its godot!

pretty solid beginnings for a 6dof on display here - i havent tested the networking/multiplayer part of it but i assume it's cool if that works!

can't access the game page, sadly :(

neat lil experiment/image generator, i liked the vibe of it

also, isnt LOVE a 2d engine/framework? i didn't know you can do 3d with it :D

you can get to pretty ludicrous speeds by going around the outskirts of the town. this, in conjunction with trampoline-like structures found around the same outskirts, lends itself to all sorts of fun

the police can be quite aggressive though, shooting you from what feels like across the entire map

<gta 5 source code leak joke goes here>

(1 edit)

great atmosphere, everything feels tastefully-dreamlike. kinda sad about the vanishing of The Big Green Guy though :(

also, i too fell down from the platforms. i found myself in a desolate room where i found an uzi for some reason. this sort of thing greatly contributed to the aforementioned dream-likeness of everything, and it could be a cool thing to explore further (ie the game proceeding from even the supposed "failure states" and continuing on, sorta like a dream would)

happy to report all cats were located and petted with extreme prejudice

i enjoyed my experience of drawing coots, 10/10 would recommend to a friend


thank you! glad you enjoyed :)

nice! great art, simple yet engaging gameplay - though i will agree with another commenter re the motion blur :D my best result is around 70mph btw

glad you enjoyed it! i wish i had more time (and knowledge) to write a better level generator though lol, the current one is extremely bare-bones

yeah, that's kind of by design :D just adds some challenge and at least some insentive to explore and poke around the labyrinth

i got everyone, congratulations to me :D

managed to get 30 coins, which is moderately-rich i guess :D the very first coin spawned in a troll position, all the way up and to the side, so i was confused at first as to whether the game's working properly lol (it was)

a nice and polished experience overall, good job!

hey, nice little game! i like how juicy the destruction feels, despite there being no sound - i think the graphical style and the camera following the mouse cursor really adds to the feel of it. it all feels nicely gleeful :D

one problem i experienced is that sometimes unbroken furniture flies outside the bounds of the play area and becomes unreachable, so the game kinda becomes unbeatable - but i did manage to beat it, with the score somewhere around 25

noice! i like the overall style - simple yet consistent and well-done. i also like how it's somewhat of a challenge to pilot your character - hitting walls or grannies does slow you down quite badly, so you need to pre-plan your moves in advance :D the gift can be a bit hard to spot at times but tbh that feels like a part of the challenge too


great effort! especially for the first mobile game, and for a game made in 3-ish hours :) 

though the game is a lil bit hardcore for me :D as my ship dies from one hit, and it can be a little bit hard to control it with a mouse (i havent tested it on mobile though, i can see how it's probably much easier to control with a touchscreen)

nice effort! the camera is interesting :D but personally i didn't have motion sickness problems. the hordes of ghosts were quite hard to get through at times, but i did manage to finish the game in about 180 seconds lol

great graphics and style! the gameplay is simple but nice too - this game is just really really cozy :)

it's a quick and dirty way to make anything sufficiently  a e s t h e t i c  :D


glad you liked it, especially the music!!!

this actually never happened to me lol - i did try to put some safeguards in that prevented this but i guess they had failed :D

good first effort! you can kiiiiiind of cheese it if you get bumped out of the track and onto the grass though :D but overall pretty neat game, with a nice tension between the "should i go fast" and the "how do i avoid other cars" factors

also, what engine/framework have you used for this?