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A member registered Sep 12, 2014 · View creator page →

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i only found and read these comments now, sorry about... runs perfectly on gnu/linux! :) (as i mentioned at mastodon weeks ago i think... :) )

no gnu/linux builds, so i'm trying to run it on wine... is 2 fps a decent frame rate? o.O

consider porting it to ps1 when possible! ;) 

cool! and thanks! :)

looking forward for a "squeezed" ecs a500 version! ;)

thanks for sharing! (i forgot reading they are all sample-based, i was expecting fm patches! xD)

we need to use some tricks for making aga games on amos

i don't knokw if Unity is a good choice (even considering you could make GNU/Linux and OSX builds too), i think Unity is too bloated, specially for this kind of game - maybe Python-Pygame, Lua-Löve, etc., would be better?

really cool seeing games made on Amos here at!! ;) - btw, as it seems to be using ecs screen modes, maybe this game would run on cdtv as well?

AmiGameJam 2022 community · Created a new topic well...

let me see if i can make an rpg on amos... :S (i never did it...)

for msxdev compo it was, but eventually i might improve it (like adding sound and etc.), i just don't know when...

it seems that it doesn't run on Wine... (on GNU/Linux)

the development is still very in the beginning, it still has no events management, no bgm, etc...

made on godot? plz consider sharing more builds, like for gnu/linux... 

at least i can see it fine: 

exactly! thanks! :) 

thanks! long time i don't submit anything here at, and forgot almost everything as well! :D 

i submitted right now, but i can't find it - how can we see them?  (it's terrible when we have adhd... :D )

Swordquest Airworld would be really cool! ;) 

thanks!  :) 

the character set named as speccy.char is from zx80 and zx81, not zx-spectrum - zx-spectrum is ascii7 based (undercase and everything)

(1 edit)

a rotação da nave podia ter um movimento mais suave como os usados nos jogos de arcade dos anos 80 e 90, usei isso num dos jogos que tenho cá no, o código é simples

Sergio Moro simulator? where is Tacla Durán, Banestado, etc.?

snibbetracker community · Created a new topic stuck on wine

gets stuck on wine, and i can't find a native gnu/linux version as well

thanks! only now i'm seeing this message, shame on me! :D 

thanks, i'll take a look - btw, the link you shared is a 404 page, do you have it hosted somewhere else too?

thanks! :) 

you're welcome - i don't know how possible is to read gamepad and keyboard simultaneously in a similar way (just like konami games for msx) - the keypads i tested were those generic usb from chinese bazaars, working fine on 

really cool, but how can we play it? (i got no interaction from gamepad or keyboard)

where did you make these games? amos? blitz-basic? assembly?

thanks! :)  (btw, i only tried native gnu/linux versions of atom and vscode/vscodium )

since 80's i preferred wasd keys

thanks! i'll try to fix "Plumas e Sardinhas" asap! ;)

thanks for the feedback, fehse! i never tried other electron apps, where could i find them? anyway, making it more multiplatform that could ease the support on other operating systems (gnu/linux included) would be really great, thanks! :)  and about wine, "misconfigurations" are not used to influence that much, there are mostly recent stuff using recent libraries (or versions of them) that are used to not work fine on wine (due on lack of enough testing, reporting and improvement in the whole iteration development process)

published a new version of it - no errors appeared on the previous version here (Ubuntu 20.04 amd64 (GNU/Linux), Python 2.7.18rc1, Pygame 1.9.6 ) - perhaps the error appeared there because you're using Python 3.x, or other operating system?

is it supposed to be a blank screen? - - i'm trying to run it on Ubuntu 20.04 amd64, Wine 5.0

thanks! this game was developed long time ago, no surprise updates on python and pygame would affect it... :D

considering it is open, why only windoze is supported? and who can help porting it to gnu/linux, osx, bsd, haiku, solaris/indiana, etc.? 

"Mac" you mean MacOS-X (or OSX), isn't it?