This game is genre-defining, I just don't which one.
An absolute masterpiece of a game
Wow that was amazing! It's very unique and interesting concept with cool abstract gameplay. The only small complain I have is that sword positions are unintuitive(?). Forward and backward movement just don't feel obvious with inputs, I always did both because I couldn't make sense of it in my head. And the control mirror when you flip the sword makes everything more confusing.
I would still play this a full on game!
Just wow, this game is so awesome. The Godguyzilla obviously is very cute
...And relatable
Everything is amazing and probably know that:), But I at first thought that I should destroy Red buildings as if those were bad guys' property. I could be interesting if needed to not only avoid colladeral damage but so go out of your way to destroy some of it. Just a nifty thought if you will want to scale something out of this game(pun intended and I dont regret it)
The fact that you did it in just 48 hours is just impossible, you totally deserve to be in GMTK video!
Graphics look very cute, you put alot of care in those. I know pathfinding limitations and all, but it really has a potential as a full on game. Maybe trees can be used to poke these flying pots or big pots may not fit through arches and stuff. Very good overall! Good luck on your game development journey!
Those silly lil' guys are so stupid! And I love them! This inversed vertex outline looks nice, music sounds like something I would listen to on vacation and game is simply fun. Wish I could pickup boxes and other stuff, but thats still reaaaaaaaally good. Good luck on your Game development Journey in the future!