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A member registered Jul 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks. Though I did not make the sounds myself, and I do actually disagree that the sound and art are good. I had planed to do some actual animations. :)

I Agree, I had planned to do some movement animation, i.e. actual dice rolls, have a walk/attack/die animation for the player and NPC and have the dice in the side actually move. I did actually originally have a footstep sound for the player and NPC's, but when it became clear i did not have time to do the walk animations I transitioned over to the sliding and breaking.

I had some more different ideas, like "smarter" enemies which could see future rolls, or mystery enemies whose rolls the player can not see, alas, I ran out of time hence why the last few rounds just repeat until the player runs out of health.