This was fun! Got me hooked and reminded me of the oldies. Simple yet effective! Pretty sure this could be expanded and revised with an even juicier post-jam version!
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Ok I feel a little *slow* about this but I need to ask: how would I approach the problem of different block sizes?
Like the 2x2 blocks or the 2x1 and 1x2 blocks present in this tileset:

My first approach would be to use a different brush color for these blocks but I'm curious if someone has a better idea.
This is one of your best assets!
Instant buy for me!
Whether you decide to expand on this or not, here's some ideas:
- crouching
- sliding
- wall sliding
- wall jumping
- ledge grabbing
- upward/diagonal aiming-shooting
- shooting while in air
Thanks for making these assets. I really dig them and the whole warped series is fantastic.
It's all about a semicolon; I code mostly without them (probably due to my python background).
Here's a video showing the behavior (I edit a "show_debug_message" but the live-changes are picked up based upon the presence or absence of a semicolon a bunch of lines before). Took me some time to figure this out, sorry.
Is this something I have to keep in mind and just start using semicolons?
Thank you