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Night's Beast

A member registered Dec 22, 2019

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I have run into this issue before, it usually happens due to a code change that is incompatible as an "update". Usually uninstalling the previous version and installing the new one completely fresh does the trick. This'll delete your saves too, of course (which sucks), but it should install correctly after that.

I ran into this issue that then ran into a bunch of others after hitting ignore (this was after choosing not to do what comes up in the shop and occurs a few lines after exiting said shop on the 10th).

Those were some quick responses, thank you! Tested and it works now! :)

I keep getting this same error

(1 edit)

So I've done TJ's route and both of Leo's routes and .... WOW, so good! I loved everything; the characterization, the music, the moods that it sets, the storytelling and lore and yes, even the heart-wrenching moments. At first on Leo's route I was hoping for a specific situation to come to fruition (no spoilers for those who haven't gone down that path or played yet) but towards about the middle-end when a certain side character becomes more prevalent, super helpful, and very sweet (who couldn't love them?), my mind started entertaining and hoping for other possibilities. I feel like the first end of his route that I took was quite possibly the "cannon" ending but I could be wrong, with there potentially being no "correct" ending. It seemed to have the most closure and best ending out of the three I've played through so far though, possibly leaving room for a fantastic sequel (hopefully with Chase, the major side character, and  some (if not all) of the group).