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A member registered Oct 11, 2017 · View creator page →

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2nd in the video… don’t take my criticism too roughly lol. I know what you were going for here and overall you did a good job. Like I said, I’m just a guy who makes horror gaming videos. Don’t take my commentary too harshly. I just have my own opinion on games lol. I’ve played ALOT of horror/comedy games. 

1st In the video… wasn’t too bad. A lot like Watson Scott and etc. overall good job. 

Was an interesting and fun game... really enjoyed the art style. Was great for a short indie horror game. Check out my channel and gameplay below.

So I played this a long time ago on my channel… go watch my cringe. Lol was a fun little game. I would really like to see more of this. I am thinking about doing a revisit of it. 

I question life…. 3rd game in video.

evil Dora freaks me out. 2nd game in this video. 

what did I just play? 

Loved it. Creepy and awesome. Now I want more… 

Strange little game....

Well I want this to become a full game now. Excellent atmosphere and scares.. very well done. 

Fun little horror game.

What do you mean?

great short indie horror. I have always enjoyed this art style. Great little spooks good job. 2nd game in the set. 

great short horror game. Throughly enjoyed it. Cant wait to see more games! 3rd game in the set.

loved it. Wish I would have tried to get different endings for this let’s play though. 1st game in the set. 

Controls were a little wonky but fun overall. Good job

lol was cute and funny. Was actually really good. I was pleasantly


Haha this was really well done. Good job

If you decide to do as english voice over version let me know. I am doing some voice acting now and I would be willing to help just to get my name out more. and my let's play of the demo is still one of my biggest viewed videos on my channel lol

had a great time playing this game. Made me jump a few times. Would love to see more from this developer! 

I loved this game and the art style. It is super unique. I would like to see a longer more detailed horror story like this. I hope you will create more games like this. Good job 

I would really love to see this get finished. I am a huge fan of the PT Style games and I really would love to see a full version of a game with that format in mind. You have huge potential here and I cannot wait to see what you do with it. 

Lol What in the world. 

I really liked this game. I cannot wait for the for version. I think it is going to be really something amazing. I think I will be supporting it on kickstarter if it is still open to it. 

I think it could have been scarier to be honest. I did enjoy the concept however. I would actually like to see a more detailed game with more intense jump scares. I think you have a cool idea here. I would like maybe a more driven story line with more chasing of the murder, more detective stuff. I know this is just a short little horror game but I would love to see what you could do with an more elaborate version of the game. Overall it was a good job!

I loved this game! I thought it was fun, spooky and very well done. Check it out :) 

I would actually like to see a fuller game. With some actual scares and more of a story line. I thought this was a really cool and fun idea. Check out my let’s play ! 

creepy, interesting story.. would love to see a more in-depth and longer game with more story and more spooks 

this is a pretty fun game. I enjoyed it. I was not very good at it though haha. Reminded me of a more threatening slenderman. Great job. I’d actually like to see a more involved more detailed game out of this. 

very nice game tech demo.  would love to see a full game based around this. Couldn’t use the crowbar though.. hmmm here is my let’s play.

Great game for what it is XD I would like to see a more full scale game to be honest 

Loved it lol. It was super strange but good lol. I played it in a live stream. You can watch my playthrough below if you want! Keep up the great work. Hope to see some more spoopy games from this developer! 

Sorry Dan, It just crashes when I try to run it. I have tried to install in several times and it will not run. Windows PC

So excited for this. I have been waiting since I did my let's play on the demo haha

Such a strange game

HAHA this game was hilarious and silly. I loved it. Check out my let's play!