Loved the idea! The game play was unique, I like how I'm being beaten to death by a q key while I'm trying to learn my new controls. The graphics fit the game really well. The game was short and sweet, just how I like it. The game play was fairly challenging, however, I noticed that all I needed to do for the enemies to not attack me was to spam space. This is because the sword pierces through multiple enemies. There really isn't a reason to use the bow, because of how overpowered the sword was, and I didn't really like that. Because of this, the boss battle was massively easier then it should've been. If you're still updating the game, maybe you could add some sort of horde mode, just to make the game longer. and/or better.
TL;DR: Game is great, sword is op.
EDIT: I just noticed that the sword goes through walls as well.