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Christopher Null

A member registered Feb 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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Incredible game! Setting, Theme, atmosphere. I was invested 100%. The ps1 feel was very welcomed. And overall loved the visuals. The sea is fucking terrifying, and you represented it perfectly. And honestly for a small game the voice acting was really great. I need more of this story. You nailed it! Fantastic job, and I can not wait to see more.

thanks! I'm glad you think so. My top priority was to remain faithful to the source material. It's such an incredible album. When making the game I had to do it justice.

Thanks so much for your feedback and gameplay! It was very entertaining and educational to watch. I'm very suprized with your interpretation at the end. You really hit the nail on the head.

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it.

Thanks for your gameplay!

Thank you! Had to watch it with translated subtitles. But it was worth it! Thanks for playing my game!

(1 edit)

Thanks! It means a lot to me.

Thank you so much for playing! I'm really glad you enjoyed the game. Your playthrough showed me a lot of things I can improve on. Also, the hotel was loosely inspired by The Shining. I watched the movie for the 3rd time while making the game. The poster of the ballroom was actually taken from “The Gold Room” sign as a little reference.

Wow, Thank you so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed the game. Watching your playthrough was very educational.

Yes. I am currently trying to figure that out. But from what I found I need a mac to package the game for IOS. And sadly, I don’t have one. Will let you know if I find a solution