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A member registered Dec 10, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback. I agree that it ended up being a bit weird, It was my first game that I've ever got beyond early prototyping so ended up being very messy and going in a very different way to how I expected with the 2 days it was done in. 

The original plan had more emphasis on the player being able to freely look over the environments and using their inferences of what they saw to influence their dialog choices. Hence the 3D environments and navigation.

However my focus was shifted for time reasons, so the dialog ended up being the main emphasis of the game just so I could get something done in time. The Cutscene was also a late addition in this to fill in for the lack of the environment exploration step.

Despite all that, I'm glad that I managed to actually make a game for the first time, and feel like I have learnt a lot to make whatever comes next a lot more polished and focused than this was

Great concept, and the theming fits the idea really well. Art style is perfect with it too. The questions had a bit of ambiguity to them though (unless I missed some hints?), so may need a little more refining/playtesting if it's developed further.  Game wise it felt fairly polished and smooth though.

Great concept, and definitely has an enjoyable core to it. But number of cards can get overwhelming quickly; so maybe needs a mechanic of automatically destroying useless cards when they are used to avoid inventory clutter

Super enjoyable entry, loved solving this one. The mystery was very effectively written, and the interactions were nicely polished. Had a similar initial idea of document game myself actually for the Game Jam. I couldn't get it work so did something completely different in the end, but glad someone managed to execute this structure in such an enjoyable manner.

Only thing I'd suggest is to make the workable space a little bit larger so players can fully organise evidence, but that's pretty tiny issue and managed to solve it regardless.

Nice, short but effective mystery. Missed an obvious clue for a bit but solved it in the end. I guess if you wanted to expand the concept, you could employ other social media chat elements—clues in profile pictures, maybe?

Loved this entry, really captured the mystery spirit and got me into the same headspace as Golden Idol. Full of innovative ideas here building on The Golden Idol formula here too.

Only minor improvement that I could suggest here would be Evidence being grouped by the scene it was taken from, that would be clearer than the tooltip