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A member registered Dec 18, 2018

Recent community posts

What changed in the update?

So how many endings work for Data Crystals?  Because so far, I have two: Beating the boars and submitting to the boars.

P.S. I decided to cut and paste both Crystals into two folders named "Warrior Data Crystal" and "Slut Data Crystal" so that I can see how both effect the second chapter.

Does it fix the issue where you can get stuck crouching?

Will you be adding a change log?

So that ending...  You are clearly setting up for something.

Thank you for the swift response that I didn't notice until today(sorry).  Honestly, this game sounds right up the alley of a let's player I know of called Roahmmythril, who got into horror games through the original Resident Evil.

Two questions:

1) Will there be a new game plus feature where you keep everything you brought from the merchant?  It could be fun for messing around.

2) Will there be a melee weapon?  I feel like having one would help in conserving ammo.