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Nickalos Rizzato

A member registered Sep 13, 2022 · View creator page →

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ghettos a horror.

fair I suppose.

I did as you asked.

thank you.

I don't recall there being a rule against me posting in multiple jams so I find that rather rude, but whatever.

See I'm sort of new to so I don't know what the rules are if the rules don't specify I can't post my game, but I can see why you'd think that.

(1 edit)

What do you expect me to say? I will say it took me a full week to program it and between me and you its about the way I was brought up. If you must know. I just don't like living in a society were everything I do is monitored in surveillance, but in all honesty I never once committed any crimes.  It's not like I broke any laws or nothing. It took me a full year to get good at videogame design and I believe I have the right to do what I want on my personal profile and if someone don't like it they can always choose not to download it is the way I see it. Is there a limit to how many jams I can participate in? and if so what is that limit?

Yo check it.

Yo check it.

Yo check it.