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A member registered Feb 06, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hi Lenora, I think your game is really cool! I love your theme and think you did a great job creating a spooky environment. The thing that I probably like the most about your game is how you managed to have ghosts spawn all over your map! I managed to collect all but 1 pickups. I think your pickups work well with your theme, but they are a little thin and hard to spot. I also wasn't expecting the pickup sound effect to be so loud (which definitely made me jump the first time I heard it). As far as critiques go, I would just say to work a little more on your pickups and make them a little more visible (maybe add a particle effect or light to them). Overall though, good job on making your game!

Hi Frank, Nice job with creating your game! I love the calm, late-night pizza run vibe that's going on throughout your game. I love your music and sound effects; I think they add a lot to the style of your game. I managed to get all but 1 pizzas in my run. I only missed the one at the end of the moving platforms. Some critiques I would have is that some of your platforms glitch out sometimes, making it seem like I'm walking through them. I also noticed that I could walk through a few of your props such as the tables. The reason why I failed your game was because I fell off the map and couldn't get back so I would suggest limiting your play space to areas that wouldn't allow the player to fall off the map. Overall, good job though!

Hi Kendall, I think your game is really well made! I love your theme and the level of detail you put into your game. I think your pickups are really well designed and love the sound design in your game. I was able to find all the candies and think that they were well hidden. I think the game plays very well and is easy to navigate. Some critiques that I would have though is that the camera feels a little low to the ground and I noticed that I could walk through the sandwich inside the picnic basket. Nonetheless, I think this turned out really well!