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Nick Dell'Aquilo

A member registered Aug 30, 2022 · View creator page →

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This has a unique and compelling concept, and the style of gameplay is a great fit for mobile. The art assets, animation, music, and menus, are all high quality and form a cohesive package. The UX especially is very enjoyable, other than some text being too small and leaving a lot of empty space. There are some attacks that are hard to understand dodge timings, and having to adhere to the order that you selected abilities in can feel limiting. With some more polish and fleshing out, I can easily see this being a project sold for money.

The visuals and theme as a whole are great and work well with the gameplay. Great work on the menus as well. The feedback when you kill an enemy is very cool but probably too intense, the effect could be dialed back a bit as it's kind of distracting. There could also be more feedback when you get hit and when you activate a checkpoint, but these are nitpicks since everything works really well.

Great artwork, visual style, and movement mechanics. It isn't always entirely clear what is the background and what is the platforms, so a little more emphasis could help. This also applies to some of the more subtle hazards, but with generous checkpoints this isn't a big issue (some are pretty good jokes, like the pizza).

Fun game with a few quirks. You might want to set the player model as invisible so it isn't clipping into the camera. There is a basis for a fun shooter here, the gun is particularly fun to use with its audio, visuals, and reload. Enemy AI is also well implemented with idle walking around before seeing the player.

Very cool implementation of preexisting assets, in a way that feels close to a finished product. It is a little hard to find the gun at first, and hard to tell that it's firing. Having the controls and objectives on the screen at all times is also very helpful.

This was very impressive from a game play/feel perspective. The mechanics are so fun that it feels a little unsatisfying that the range of your sword feels pretty short, and frustrating that there are no checkpoints. Other than those nitpicks, this feels like a prototype of what could be a professional game.

Really great theme with art assets that match it. The menu especially has a lot of attention put into it. It's also great that the red coloring of enemies contrasts with the grayscale environment. The AI for the enemies is especially impressive. A couple of sound effects would really elevate the atmosphere, and it is a little hard to see some things with the current lighting.

Very cool and atmospheric, I like the static camera angles and death animations. I was never confused on what to do, and the gameplay being trial and error works with the tomb exploration theme. It feels like a prototype of a game that could be developed a lot more. A checkpoint system would be nice to have instead of having to start over from the beginning, and the atmosphere could be elevated with some changes to the lighting (darkness, torches, etc.)

The art style, especially the characters, is very appealing. It does feel a little unfair with the number of enemies in the level and how limited your sword attack feels to use. The enemies are also really fast and I encountered a bug where a swarm of enemies attacked me at the beginning of the level. If the sword was faster or had a larger range or area of effect, it would be a lot of fun to cut through lots of enemies at once.