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A member registered Feb 21, 2020

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Hmmm! I think The second row of page 18 is not involved with Hisami, I have completed and saw both of the endings but the CGs are still hidden =(((( 

Thank you for your help! xoxo 

How about 3rd row of pg18 and the 4th one on the second row of pg20?

Hi, does anyone know how to unlock these CGs: 

1) Top right corner of page 14. 

2) The 3rd and 4th CGs on the second and third row pg 18. 

3) The entire page 19 and 

4) The 4th CGs on the second row pg 20. 

Thank you in advance for your help. xoxo 

I think I did the same thing! But I still have hisami rape tomoki :< 

I finish the game one time as well, but nearly at the end, I did not get a change to "get a choice as hisami" and "choose him to be regretful, he wont rape tomoki" according to Noctisx3! My ending for tomoki is that tomoki is raped by hisami :( Do i need to re-do everything again? Anything that I need to pay attention for the non-raping tomoki ending? Thanks xoxo

Is good ending the same as perfect ending? 

i have finished the game and I am doing all over again to achieve all the CGs but im not sure whether I have bad ending or not

what is the condition of to achieve bad ending and perfect ending? Does “bad/perfect ending” refer to Lenga’s route only? Or is it in terms of the whole game? Thanks xoxo

Hi! How can I get into the post game content? I finish the main story line but not sure how to get into the post game? Thank for helping