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A member registered Jan 24, 2017

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(2 edits)

T_H_I_S__I_S__ A__ D_O_O_R___W_O_U_L_D__YOU__W_A_N_T_ _T_O_ _O_P_E_N_ T_H_E_ D_O_O_R... com'one let me open the goddam door ! 10secondes to open each scene ... 

It's buggy, I put the wire on, and still need the wire ....

Nice concept, bad realization....

Sorry but this game is not finish and too slow to play... Did you even try it before ?

Thanks anyway for sharing...

ps; why we go on the basement with a trap, and come back with a door ?????


I finished the demo (need the walkthrout, don' t want to spend hours on puzzles)

Great atmosphere, excellent graphics, the only song,  loop, is lazy and don't immerse me in the universe (I had to mute it).

it's original, well done, personally I found the difficulty variable, sometimes too easy, or to hard.

I'll definitely buy it on the next sale 

Nice graphics !

Another game with no screenshots, do you want to people play your game ??

The graphics is ok, look like hand painted, it's simple and I like that. 

No music, too bad, and the tic tac sound is annoying ...

So, I'm mixed about the game, it bored me to click on things and nothing happened (the lamp, the drawers, etc...) at the end you just randomly click on the screen... 

There are some bugs (you can see the photo without find it, sometimes the cup/pillow return to their original state.).

Finally I don't understand the puzzle ... I just find 3 digit that I try in different order on the clock... yeah... fun ....

Thank for sharing, but it need some more work...

I know it's a concept to make bad game, but come'on man... this is just bad, all is bad here ...

don't waste your time

The atmosphere is good, the music is passable, but for me the steam on the windows completely ruin the game... we don't where it come from, what to do to remove it, I understand you must add a difficulty, but no, I've not enjoy the game...

Thanks for sharing.

(1 edit)

What a original game !

The graphics are basic, the music is nice, the gameplay is awesome ! 

Thanks for sharing ! it's a lot of work !

It could definitively be a great game !

the end is strange, why don't we "save" the two other ?

Strange little, very easy, very short game... I still don't understand how I had the match ...

Thanks for sharing (your first game ?)

Spent a loooooooot of time on the crystal clue because I cannot enter the hole .... the control is too awkward... seriously, i spend 15 min just to see the spider...

Nice atmosphere, good sound, and graphics too.

Thanks for sharing, but the duo wasd/mouse is too unnatural for me...

Cool little game, it's as a nice atmosphere, great music, the zoom idea is pretty good, but it's hard at the beginning to become familiar with ...

But, it has some negative points : no fullscreen ... come'on we are in 2024, it's unbelievable that we still need to zoom on our browser to just see the game ...

i 've finished the game two times, the first with deduction for the frame number, and the second when I actually discover the worm (yes, it's an hint) and still I have the wood from the windows ... I found a bug too, when you fill your bucket with water, if you do it again some invisible items will add to the inventory ...

I recommend the game, it's fresh and not to difficult.

Thanks !

Sometimes it's hard to see where to go, so you randomly click on the screen... except that, it's a nice game but only for the fan of the genre.

Thanks for sharing :)

Nice game, the graphics are good, the puzzles is simple (although i spend a long time figure it out the last one).

It's only the music that is off topic I think.. You can find  a lot of free stuff ...

I recommend it for the beginner :)

no english language ?

nice game. thanks.

no comments, I know why now... 

No fullscreen (we are in 2024 ...) the game is hard to understand. 

I didn't like it sorry...

nothing to see here... don't waste your time

Completely broken , unplayable ...

The level  3 didn't show collected items...

it's ugly, you need to mute the sound, the puzzle are lasy...

I can't even finish the game because of the bugs ...

Did you even test your game before publish it ?

thanks for sharing anyway, but don't waste your time...

Nice cozy little game !

Thanks !

Excellent concept !

I had a hard time figuring how to play, it's a unique idea !

Make it a real game, and your success will be here !

It could be fun to play the escape game at the end ...

Thanks !

Amazing job ! 

the graphics are gorgeous, and you immediately feel the atmosphere !

A must to play for every fan !

A little bit simple (the last paper give me hard time...)

25 min to finish

Thanks !

no screenshot ?

Strange game...

It's ugly, not difficult, and that 's all...

The music at the end is good...

(1 edit)

having an english name (actually two ...) and NOT PROPOSING THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE !!!

Some people doesn't think sometimes...

I think this is a first attempt... 

It 's pretty simple (except the puzzle with the house and the charcoal...)

For the beginner of the genre..

the quintessence of mediocrity... so far, the worst ugliest video game that I played...  Are you not ashamed ?

Even a kid could do better...

Ugly, uninterested, mute the music or your ears will bleed...  0/5

the quintessence of mediocrity... so far, the worst ugliest video game that I played...  Are you not ashamed ?

Even a kid could do better...

Ugly, uninterested, mute the music or your ears will bleed... 


(1 edit)

This is a strange game, it's have an atmosphere...

It's hard to understand the mechanics here (you must sleep and talk to the girl for having more times to resolve all the puzzles).

The puzzles a pretty simple except for the generator ...

How to hell are we suppose to solve it ? no clue, no hint ...  I randomly click and suddenly, done ... what a fun .... It ruin all the game ...

The graphics are ugly, no music/sound enjoyable.

It's an experience, I don't particularly recommend it, I see it like a first game...

Thanks anyway for sharing this (minor the generator) I had a cool time.

(1 edit)

At least an good/accessible/amazing escape game !

The music/sounds are good, the graphics are fabulous, the puzzles are well adjusted (mostly easy) and that a good game should be !

Thanks !!!

ps : the loooooong "where am I" had me kill the app twice, bug ???

After month of trying, I finally complete it ... And I still don't know if the game is good or not...

It's was very hard, not fun at the beginning, figuring how to play. It's was a painful experience, lot of frustration...

One puzzle are sometimes impossible to play : the laser are generate randomly, so ...

The wave puzzle is the worst, trying to complete it is a pain is the ass...

Finally the valve problem is just incomprehensible... I solve it by chance...

Is I'm happy to have complete it ? I don't think so, to many frustration and question left. 

I don't recommend the game, except for the hardcore fan...

For the positive points, it's pretty, I love the soundtrack, the atmosphere, the idea of the game...

Anyway, thanks for sharing, it's a lot of work !

I've a "game over" passing the door, is it normal ? it's the good ending of I need to pixel hunt more ?

simple little game, the puzzles are not to simple not to hard, I like it!

there are some bugs, there is a little latency when you click, and the sound of certain object are too long ! Sometime you didn't know if what you done have an impact. very frustrating ...

You collect object, but you don't seen them because you don't have a inventory...

Some basic errors from a beginner, but with some work, it could be a nice game.

I'm looking forward to your work, thanks for the sharing :)

Keep the work for another project, your game a full of good ideas :)

Excellent game , thanks !

AMAzing job ...

Sadly the poor difficult puzzle ruin some part (the code... come'on...) hello walktrought ... :(

An incredible art work, an excellent soundtrack, it has a strange atmosphere.

Too bad it's too short, sometimes really to hard (at the end you just click on everything with all your inventory in hope to success... (I accidentally used the nail on the wall, never understood what I have done...)

Thanks for the sharing ! I hope you 've done another games, because the universe is incredible !

awful game ... sorry ...

Not so good little game ... no screenshot, I know why now...

I always made my games in both language : english and my native. save me a lot of time at the end ... ;)

I just started the game ...

I 'll let it for now, there is too much negative points...

 first, too many text... the tutorial ruin the immersion, it's obvious, we know those kind of game, no need to explain EVERytHINg...

second, the music ... completely out of context ... you can find a lot of free music with a lot of different theme ...

I 'm a musician, I can made you some, if you have some directives.

The graphics are really good, I hope you 'ill update the game !

For me, I 'ill let it for now, maybe i'll giving it a second chance latter


Thanks for the sharing .

(1 edit)

Started good, but the lack of scenario, and the dumb difficulty completely drag me out of the story...

the puzzles are originals, but illogical and no fun to play... yeah, it's those kind of game that need a solution if you don't want to spent hour figuring out some stupid "funny" puzzles...

Great job for coding, and sharing this, the music/graphics are good, but I didn't enjoy it, too many flaws...


the password is not a simple word, and it is clearly givin...

The ball must be use...

somethings in the pockets

No english ? What ???

Too obvious ... It's simple, good looking, nice atmosphere.. but...

There just one thing that annoy me ...


I re-started 3 times and spent 15min on this, that not normal, we must be inform than me can click on it !

I recommend it, just be aware of the clock...