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A member registered Jul 11, 2021

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(1 edit)

haha i win.. its just need trial and error xd

why cant i play fishing minigame on pc..?
i watch on youtube how to play fishing minigame & its look like u just press hold button or screen.. but mine cant even press hold left mouse button on blue icon..?
what should i do?

so what is that 3MB file..?

ill try this game tomorrow

hard to win damn..

damn the storyline are freakin good.. 10 / 10.. feels like reading novel

just make him cum & its end.. damn before i though i will stuck at this scene forever xd

ive already done all of that.. what next..?

where is the last fossil btw..?

im stuck at 88%.. idk what to do.. there is no quest left

minigame kinda fun to play actually xd


is this same as the steam version..?

10 art

10 animation

10 storyline

10/10 👌


no sound.. how to fix it..