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A member registered Jan 09, 2017

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Thank you for your quick answer !

I tried to set the expo on radio, but the problem is that I can't manage to get a very fast rolling rate in the end stick, even with 30-60% expo set on the radio it still feels slow. With too high expo (40% or more) the sensitivity is becoming worse.

What I am missing is this super rate to boost the end movement without compromising low movement stick and mimick a real quad.

The code from betaflight is available (with how the rates are processed in the function "calculateSetpointRate". You can have a look in the code here : ).

It would be a really nice adition to both your simulators to have finer control on the stick movement.

Thank you ;)


I bought the 2 Freerider games (Classic + Recharged) and it was a super tool to learn to fly quads, waiting for the real one to be built.
Now that I have some experiences with both real world quad and simulation, I would like to have the same behaviour in FPV Freerider.

At the moment it looks like we can adjust pretty well the small movement stick with the rates (RC Rate on the picture).

However, it is missing the Super Rate mode, to better control the bigger movement (Super Rate on the picture).

By increasing the Freerider rate, the quad is becoming too fast for small stick movement, but is still too slow at full stick movement.
The expo mode doesn't help.

Would it be possible to implement such behaviour to be able to better control the quad reaction to stick movement?
Thanks for your work !