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Neon Henchman

A member registered Nov 13, 2016 · View creator page →

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I unironically found a few glitches;

1. The Lagomorph just gives you the pendant even if you lose, if you at least have 1 Speed Upgrade, or alternatively you cast magic on a Blue Caterpillar but don't take their upgrade, then leave the area she was in so to despawn the Upgrade, which apparently makes the game confused into thinking you got it, this helped with my Low% (yes, serious).

2. Despawned Upgrades still have their hitboxes when you come back, that is if you didn't took them in their visible form to begin with.

3. If you open the final door with an incapacitated enemy right by it, you trigger both animations (the door opening and getting the enemy's ingredient), which leads to you cloning the heroine.

4. I actually got defeated by the final boss (due to lasers with way too big hitboxes from what they appear), but I still defeated her, meaning the game played the game over music, but I still saw the ending.

I actually replayed the game enough to figure all that out, go figure.  Heck, if you don't know, shoot your magic to the top of the screen, and it'll come back down, meaning I could do trickshots as well.  Again, I found all this amusing.

Lmao, first the fairies crashland on the ground due to too much weight, then I was wondering what could make the Beholders move when I first saw them, and the answer to that was hilarious.  The final health upgrade also had me laugh as well.  I'm not of that game's demographic really, but I still found it amusing and kinda fun.

I FOUND AN EXPLOIT, albeit minuscule; the game usually gives you a Life with 5 small burgers clicked, but if you click 4 in a playthrough then die, on the next playthrough, you will get a life upon hitting the first burger!  Strat, mon homme!

Since my grandmother and aunt used to run a cantine, I'm getting some heartwarming vibes of Saint-Marc playing this.

I really like the gameplay of this, as in having to cook quickly while some shadowy figure lurks around, but I love that I can just remember the recipes and just do all the orders in one fell swoop, it's very fun and I think there's much more that could be done with this, like having more people to catter to at a time, the Diner Dash of Horror.

It may be because the Shadowcatcher waits by the door after investigating it once, and he starts doing it on the second night.  That was something that got me several times, but when I saw he stood still outside, well I just had to wait a bit longer.