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A member registered Sep 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Really fun game but  its hard to figure out what to do

I really like the main concept of the game and it is fun. 

The problems I have with this game are that it is way to easy and that the graphics are nothing for me but overall it is a good experience which you can easily expand on ^^

This is a great game which doesnt have that much plot but can be easily expanded on if you fix some problems.

To name the problems directly: the controls feel really stiff and the colliders are kind of buggy but if you can fix these problems and make a lot more plot , you can make a good feeling beautiful game out of it ^^.

Hey thanks for the Kind words:) 

I will atleast polish the game up by adding screenshake, soundeffects and some music ^^

Thanks ^^ 

Normally you shouldnt be able to hit yourself dont know where the Bug is :(

Hey thanks for you feedback ^^. 

Yes you are right the controls are hard to get used to but that lifting was actually planned to be hard to create a feeling of pressure on the player. I hope didnt miss this feeling completly and next time i try making easier controls :)

Can I suggest to look under the controls+game button in the menu? :)