Was really enjoying it until the arcade puzzle, I think I came accross an issue because with the correct answer (i checked with walkthroughs if I wasn't crazy lmao) the puzzle doesn't work and I can't finish it, it keeps telling me i'm wrong despite putting in the right answer :( Really charming though, I hope it can be fixed !
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I found this game totally at random and fell completely in love ! I adore VNs where you get to collect all the endings and this one of the kind I love, where collecting them all gives you a reward at the end. I think I took about 5-6 hours because I was struggling finding what to do for ending 10 and 11, but I pulled through in the end !I love seeing more queer rep in games too, Eli's design is so lovely !! Thank you so much for this game !
Spoiler image ahead !
Scratchin' Melodii (Beta Demo) comments · Replied to shrinoux in Scratchin' Melodii (Beta Demo) comments
Scratchin' Melodii (Beta Demo) comments · Replied to raslei1 in Scratchin' Melodii (Beta Demo) comments