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A member registered Oct 30, 2021

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A fantastic game fatally wounded by slow and frustrating progression. The point system as it is turns the game from a cool exploration sim into a chore sim and the chores aren't even fun. I really want to play this game because it's clear that there is a lot of fun stuff but it forces you to to spend all your time doing boring stuff over and over. 

There are two really outstanding problems that I think could be easily fixed. First are the upgrades. Because more upgrades = more points, buying all upgrades as soon as possible is objectively better than buying fun stuff. you are basically forced to spend your points on things that make the chores less boring and that's not fun. I think instead of everything including upgrades costing points, upgrades should have their own currency that is earned alongside points. Maybe you get these points by finding unique signals or reporting hashcodes. This would free up your points to be saved and spent on cool toys and decor instead of minor improvements to the grindy parts of the game.

This brings me to the second issue. Driving from satellite to satellite is boring and the rewards you get are not enough to make it feel worthwhile. Sure it makes your downloads faster but that is repairing a negative not earning a positive so it doesn't feel the same. The points reward for fixing servers and reporting hashcodes needs to be substantially increased for it to feel worth it. For example after day 2 I just stop getting hashcodes entirely because a measly 50 points is not worth the effort. 

In closing the game is excellent, but the parts that make it fun are locked behind hours and hours of very unfulfilling progression. I still want to play it after all I have said but it's just not fun right now.

I don't know if it's a bug or intentional, but the music cut out during the final fight with the king. It was just silent except for sound FX.