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A member registered Jun 30, 2020

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The atmosphere this game bhilde up is terrifying!

Putting up fliers trspped me in the backrooms

What a weird little game... here's my... even weirder take on it

'My mom is a creature from another dimension'

I believe I played an earlier demo version of this game, but looking at this trailer, it looks really cool, will probably play the full game!

If anyone is imterested, this is the demo gameplay

'I went into an abandoned asylum and I regret everything'

Thanks to this game I experienced what it's like to be an office worker...

'I lived a day as an office worker and I regret everything'

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This game is scary, but there is even a greater evil lurking in the dark...

'My editor accidentally unleased a greater evil in doomed'

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What a puzzling experience, my mind melted from  playing this game!

'I was tasked to fimd forgotten paswords, but instead I found weed'

I hate horror games, and that makes it more fun to play :p

'I spent a night in the morgue'

Decided to record a video on this, wasn't expecting much, but I think it ended up being kinda a fun watch

'I wanted to watch YouTube but my computer kept crashing'

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Cool little game!

Here's my take on it :p

'I had to.escape the subway before it was too late'

Trying to get a transcript of the text... anyone knows what is said after the "by the way your door is open" bit?

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This game made me realize that maybe I am not a epic gamer...

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Pretty interesting small game, made a video on it!
Hope you enjoy!
I played a emotionally abusive game - Desk Job

Really fun fun game! Made a video on it some time ago nd we had some pancakes with a side of national pride... right before we got impeached... (we also stole some syrup from the Canadians if I remember correctly)

Amazing game, had so much fun playing it!

Had some nice conversation (arguments) with the other program (narrator guy) ;)

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Really fun game! Played it a while ago on my channel and well... after a while of paying my taxes... I scribbled all over them... (oops)

I gave this game a try and made a video on it... a lot of aggressive naked men came running at me, was quite frightening at points I must say... What can I say...? I threw towels at men in the showers!

I just get a error, doesn't play