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A member registered Mar 01, 2020

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(1 edit)

[S T A N D N A M E]

Disco Inferno

[ S T A N D M A S T E R]

Negative Zero (me)

Description: A yellowish brown colored pair of pants with red armor plates (like the ones on crazy diamond) on the knees, thighs, and shins.

Ability: Drastically increases the strength, speed, endurance, and flexibility of the user's legs, as well as slightly increasing the strength of the entire body. It's top speed is Mach 1, but the user can't react that quickly so he rarely runs that quickly.

[S T A T S]

Power: A

Speed: A

Precision: C

Range: E

Durability: B

Potential: D

Stand Cry:  滚 (pronounced Gun, translates to git, or leave) For individual strikes

快点儿 (pronounced kuai diar, translates to faster) For stand rush