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A member registered Jun 07, 2023

Recent community posts

Hey! Just wanted to let you know I am very excited about this game. I know there is a lot of pressure when you make games. I went to college for making games for a while and it can be stressful. Dont let the pressure get to you. Keep making the game when you have time. If you are working by yourself, then there is even more pressure. Again dont let it get to you. Just do what you have time to do. You have a life and stuff and people should remember that you cant be expected to work every waking moment on the game. I love what you have released so far and cant wait for your finished game! Love the story! 

Love your work man! Keep it up. Of course do not let your mental health be the sacrifice for it. If you need some time to take a breather and get your mind right, do not be afraid to. We all will understand as we know how bad mental health can get if you let it fester. Do what you feel comfortable doing, and take a breather when needed. Don't push yourself if you don't have to. 

Bro, I just have to say, the police and justice system seem to be bullshit no matter where you go huh? Always taking forever to get anything done, and treating absolutely anyone who is not a cop as a potential criminal.

So there is no one taking over the game, it is just totally dead? 

You are not wrong lol

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I wish I could help, but unfortunately I am not as familiar with German law as I am with US law. But I'm sure your lawyer will handle this as best they can to their ability. As a Libertarian, I can't stand government and how invasive they are in our lives. I am of the belief that as long as no one was hurt, there is no crime. But I'm not going to get into politics here lol. Just suffice it to say I hope everything is okay and that you are okay. Don't let yourself spiral. Focus instead on what you CAN do. Not what you can't. It's easy to fall into that feeling of powerlessness. Ask those around you or even your own community here if there are things you can do to take that power back into your hands. Reaching out to those around you is never a bad thing. Asking for help is not a bad thing. I had to learn this the hard way myself. Never be scared to ask for help. Sometimes it's the best solution, especially when there are those who love to make us feel powerless. They need to be reminded that we are not as powerless as they think. Keep your head up man. Don't let the powers that be beat you down.

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I'm stuck at the beach there is nothing that I can find, but there is an exclamation point there. I did all the stuff that I could there and no idea what I'm I'm missing.

Edit: Never mind, figured it out lol.