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A member registered Jun 15, 2023 · View creator page →

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It took a second, but I was able to get out without anyone seeing me while I had the morality debuff of -144. I was able to recover all my morality. Got a pair of glasses, an iron shield, a leather collar, and a hunter's sash. Big loot.

Thanks for the suggestion friend!

I'm gonna go grab the link from my library download so I can join the discord real quick.

Oh lol. I thought you may have been a helper dev or something. I guess I thought that since you are a moderator.

Thanks for the moderation.

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"the npc you just struck is doing the self reporting so because the npc itself is hit the morality penalty is applied even if stunned" 

I want to understand how this works more. You could make it so the NPC can only flag the morality penalty if they are able to move, and not disabled by some status.

Edit: Thanks for the reply again. lol

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What I'm trying to get across is that the morality system could be better.  NPCs know that Lona knocked them out, even though there is no way for them to know who it was.

Edit: Sorry, I didn't see your edit just now.

I didn't consider trying that. I'll attempt that real quick.

Two things happen when you rob the bank and start escaping: My morality drops to -144, this is the "first drop"(and happens as soon as you walk past the counter door). Once people fully see you, this is when the "second drop" comes, my morality drops to -169. At this point, I consider it unrecoverable. 

At -144 the NPCs "don't know I'm there" and don't attack, -169 the NPCs know I'm there and start killing me.

Before I updated I would be able to get past the counter swinging door (where the two guards are), and my morality would recover. Before the update, the only time the "second drop" would happen, is if I left stealth mode.

I feel that the morality system needs a bit of revamp.

Under the Notes menu in the Dev Team letter - "Morality attributes affects the attitude of NPCs towards her." - It is solely how the NPCs view your character.

Morality in this game works like a wanted-level system of sorts. The problem with this is that when you do a crime, everyone knows it was YOU. Even if you were sneaking the entire time, even if no one saw you do it.

Guard Civilian Any person;  back is turned to me, they can't see me, I knock them out, and my morality goes down. This is how morality works in-game. So, if I knock a guard unconscious, my morality goes down. This applies to civilians as well. 

Sorry about posting so much in such a short time. I started playing the game again recently and noticed things that irked me a bit.

I also noticed that knocking a guard out decreases your morality.  I feel that the morality system needs a bit of revamp.

Is morality what my character thinks about herself? It can't be that because under the description of the stat it says "Morality attributes affects the attitude of NPCs towards her." so it is solely how the NPCs view your character. If I knock a guard unconscious, my morality should not go down, since that guard shouldn't know who did it.

The thing with the bank may also just be a bug. When you cross the counter door, the guards get aggravated, and your morality drops. This indicates that the guards already know you have entered the restricted area. This still happens even if you knock down both guards near the counter door.

Thanks for the reply. I thought it was a bug due to the enemies turning around sometimes, but not all the time.

LonaRPG community · Created a new topic Robbing the bank

A few versions ago I robbed the bank, and if I got out without anyone seeing me, my morality would recover to what it was before I robbed the bank. I updated to 8.9.0 and tried robbing the bank again, but this time when I got out without anyone seeing me, my morality stayed at -144. 

Did I do something wrong, or does doing a crime without a witness decrease my morality no matter what? I thought morality was how the NPC viewed you, sort of like a wanted level.

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The fact that they turn around in the same frames as when I attack, is the problem for me. I understand I can't use skills in stealth mode without the trait for it. But the enemies also shouldn't know I'm behind them, the same moment that I attack.

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When sneak attacking from the back, occasionally the enemy will turn around the same frames I attack. I use rock throw, so they shouldn't be turning around until the second question mark pops up.

Edit: I'm not using any source of light like a lantern. I'm only holding a sword/club. I get right behind the enemy and attack their back. This is when they turn around in the same frames my attack is coming out.

Thanks for the reply. 

It's not a really big thing, so I'm not that worried about it. Just makes window surfing a bit inconvenient.

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Is there any way to keep the game window running when it's not focused?

I've played games where I can just add a line of code myself to keep the window running while in the background. There's been a lot of times I alt-tab to do something, but still want the game to keep going. I would like to know if that could be implemented into the game(LonaRPG), or if someone could tell me what line of code, and where I should put it.