Please don't worry at all about donating. I am so grateful for you playing the game and giving such a kind comment.
I released this project for free for that reason. I'm happy to know the story is reaching people in a way that is accessible for all.
Thank you for playing and your support!
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Thank you so much for the kind words!! Your support means a lot.
Don't worry. I'm actually working on a chapter 2 to the game at this time. The second part to the game however is *much* longer than this one, so it's taking quite a bit longer to make. I don't have a release date planned yet, but I am definitely continuing development on the sequel and I hope to have a demo out for it at some time in the future.
Stay tuned :D
This was more of a test of the engine for myself than anything. It won't be having any updates as is.
If you enjoyed it, hopefully you'll be interested in the full game I'm working on. The project I'm working on is The Slums which is a full game already released. There is a sequel to it in the works.
I'm very much blown away by the support the VN has received. Every little bit from nice comments, good ratings, sharing the link, and the donations help me so much in staying motivated and feeling so appreciative for the audience I have. In no way do I ever want to downplay that even just a kind comment or a few bucks thrown my way is immensely helpful and appreciated.
Speaking bluntly however, the donations themselves are definitely something I would not be able to live off, for that reason progress on the sequel and updates to this game are slow, as I can't spend as much time on them as I'd like. Though I won't let that stop me from pushing forward bit by bit towards releasing the sequel when it's ready.
I definitely would. Actually early on (about a month after the game's release) I did have someone offer that exact thing. They showed me some samples and even made a menu theme for the game. However since then, they've completely dropped the project and have not kept in contact so I assume they're just too busy to continue it.
As of now, I'm not comfortable with the game being reposted. However I am totally okay with a fan-translation of the game being sent to me for me to post myself to add onto the main game's post. (I actually have a Spanish-Translation in the works following this exact route)
Though if there is a Russian-speaking only platform / social media network that would reach a wider audience than, I am definitely open to reaching a middle ground on it. I do just want to personally talk to you or whoever is wanting to post it somewhere else before anything like that is done. If you want to talk about it, add me on Discord. I'm open to discussing it all :D (Discord: needs_bear)
I'm definitely going to keep at working on the sequel as I can. I have zero intention of ever abandoning it. Though as you say, it is very rough to juggle life, the vn, as well as my own art / social media. For that, progress is slow on the vn as I can only work on it when I have the free time too. I'll definitely keep at it though and it'll be released when it's ready.
I'm glad you enjoyed it so much! On the ending, I really wanted to make sure this vn stood on its own as a complete experience. (Even though I am writing a sequel, I wanted to make sure this one felt complete and stood on its own) I think too many out there just never get completed or have such a bad twist at the end that it doesn't really feel satisfying. That was something I was very much wanting to avoid in mine, so I'm so glad to hear that worked out!
I greatly appreciate the support and the kind words about the game. Don't worry about your English by the way. Your English was great!
Hearing everyone be so invested in reading the vn like this is so heart warming to read. I really do appreciate the fact you all played the game as well as liked it enough to leave such great comments.
Your English is great by the way! Don't worry I completely understood you, no problem. Thanks for playing the game
I actually do have a mini project on the side to address this. It'll be posted to my twitter @needs_bear when it's ready.
Though there's no ETA on it as the main artist for Ember, Plaster, and Aaron is busy juggling work, life responsibilities, and the project. I won't spoil anything, but this was something I planned as an additional story to the game to help show a bit of Plaster's side as well as his current fate after the ending.
Thank you! It was a big goal of mine to make sure the whole story was packed densely with emotion and character even if that made it a shorter game, so reading comments like these always feels really nice in having that pay off.
A sequel is on the way! I already have the story all planned out, and now it's just grinding away at it. While I do greatly appreciate the kind words, do not worry. The sequel will be free to everyone to play all the way through the same way the first game was :D
Hey thank you so much for that! It's so amazing to hear from everyone how much they enjoyed this story. It's a passion project of mine that I really hoped would reach my audience in the same way I felt making it. Don't worry about the donation. The fact you played it and enjoyed it enough to leave such a kind comment is definitely enough!
From here onward, I've made the demo build private. I've had unfortunately a few people confused between the release build and the demo build. (It's not their fault. I set up the games in a confusing way due to me being new to posting to itchio) With the release build existing and being completed, I figured there is no reason for the demo to exist anymore.
Thank you so much! I appreciate the interest in the sequel. I'm currently working on it in my free time while I juggle real life responsibilities. I do have the entire story planned out and work has already started. I'll be honest though, this next story is so much bigger than the first that I don't know how long this will take. It's a huge project to take up as a solo dev, but I'm going to keep at it!
Thank you! This is such an amazing compliment. I definitely do have a sequel planned for the future. I left a few things unanswered for that reason to come back to visit when more of the story is worked on. (I actually have a smaller project regarding Plaster being worked on right now by the main character artist who drew ember and plaster throughout the vn. It'll release hopefully this month. Be sure to follow my twitter to see it when it's done :D)